$123.00 USD

Art of Embodiment

Take a journey through your chakras to free your soul's purpose through unconditional creative expression. 

Join us on a creative healing journey as you explore the possibility to release what is no longer serving you through art. 

You do not need to be or think you are an artist to experience the healing power of creating your reality. 

You are the artist in your life it’s time to take back your inner power and unleash the creative goddess inside and share your magic with the world.

What you'll get:

  • (4) Four Weekly 120-minute Group Sessions | Each week we dive into the next layer of discovering your true self and purpose while creating a safe space to express who you are
  • An opening and closing ceremony led by Veruschka was held in the sacred space of Mount Shasta (virtual) 
  • Daily Inspiration inside a Private Facebook community
  • Weekly Intentions and Accountability
  • Support through Art, EFT, and sisterhood!
  • The energy and love of a sisterhood supporting you

Get out of your mind and into your body. Connect to your soul through art for the woman ready to step into her true potential!

Opening WATER BLESSING Starts the NEW MOON, February 20, 2023



Meet Your Guides

Veruschka Normandeau is a healing arts coach, Master EFT practitioner, photographer, writer, yogi and inspiritress of Rose Yoga, a hub for the inquisitive soul to be empowered via psycho-spiritual programs, offering energy medicine tools to assist with heart courage to uncover your unique embodiment of your true nature. She is a self-love activist and intuitive magic dealer and has been guiding people and upgrading lives since 2007. Serving your inner beauty and embracing the paradox of life. https://roseyoga.weebly.com/


I’ve been told I bring out the FUN to any place I show up. I’m not the life of the party, but I can light up your LIFE! My Passion Project to be a TSUNAMI of SELF-LOVE! I've been supporting women on their journeys to discovering themselves, owning their magic, and sharing their messages with the world. We are to magical to settle for being 'a ripple' in this world. It's time to unleash your tsunmi. I'm an EFT Practinor, Certified Therapeutic Art Coach, and Hatha Yoga teacher.
